UK-based indie and post-punk rock band Transit Cop releases their comeback single after 17 years, “He Brings Trouble”. It leads their upcoming EP, “Shake Out Your Sorrow” that’s slated to release in October this year. It’s a powerful vengeance for the band, and is a clear signal that they’re back, and they’re going to be in the spotlight once more. Their hope of reuniting after declaring an indefinite hiatus in 2007 has paid off, and may we just add that their talent and skill have not declined.
“He Brings Trouble” starts off in full force, playing its entire hand with its heavy-hitting beats and energetic guitar riffs. With some electronic elements mixed in, the song’s instrumental is full, with no weaknesses to be found. It knows when to slow down and take a break, and it knows when to intensify back to its power. And let’s not forget to mention band lead vocalist Guy Lewis’ strong vocals that are reminiscent of classic 80’s UK rock. The vocals bring the entire thing together, to create a somewhat nostalgic, but still modern rock soundscape that is a treat to hear.
They may have been gone for 17 years, but Transit Cop still have their edge, and we don’t think they have any plans of leaving again, much to our delight. “He Who Brings Trouble” is out now on all streaming platforms.