Sunset the Machine journeys into a dark metropolis with their latest single Nameless City. The Portland-based heavy rock trio combines the weight of heavy metal and agility of punk to craft a chaotic world full of terror and wonder, where sinister secrets await unsuspecting travelers in a valley that’s steeped in darkness. I love how the energy of this song shifts so unpredictably, and how each instrument drives the rhythm to a different gear with every turn before stabilizing for a few bars, leaving the listeners at the edge of their seat. It’s a thrill ride from start to finish and something I would totally line up for immediately to experience again.
Sunset the Machine started riffing together in 2018 and have since recorded enough material for a full length album that’s set to release later this year. Last year they’ve been steadily building a fanbase as they bring their songs and frenetic energy on stage. They’ve hit several venues around the Northwest and will hopefully keep that momentum for years to come. Nameless City is heavy rock at its most exciting. Sunset the Machine possesses the raw skill, hunger, and energy that the best in the genre all possess. Keep your eyes peeled as they’re only getting started.