Count on Me, the latest single from Shenanygans is a flood of pleasant nostalgia. The four-piece from Solothurn, Switzerland have only started on their music journey, with this being their second release to date. Despite this recency, they are already gaining a steady increase in listenership, which is not surprising considering how catchy their melodies and how tight their sound is. The band’s influences are varied, taking notes from both the old and the new. Putting a pin on their sound seems premature with only two singles out, but we can say with confidence that this band’s future is exciting due to their great understanding of rock fundamentals.
“Count on Me” is the first single off the album “On Monte Verita” which will be released later this year. It has the classic Beach Boys / Kinks sound, capturing the endearing and nostalgic sensibilities of that time. A song about missing a dear friend, this sense of longing and genuine emotion is felt in every note. The jangly guitars and pretty harmonies take the listener into a time before they were separated and life was better. The narrator offers reassurance that their friendship never ends and they are someone that can be counted on no matter what.Be among the first to discover Shenanygans and their wonderful mix of the old and new. Count on Me is out on all streaming platforms.