Serotonin, the latest single from Mystery Friends has the blueprint of a great synth-pop/disco song that just hits right. With the availability and accessibility of electronic sounds nowadays we often find artists filling their mix for no good reason other than because they can, resulting in a cluttered mix. The DC based trio of Dave, Abby, and Zack, have found the perfect balance, finding the Goldilocks zone that lets their infectious melodies and great instrumentation shine without flooding the listener, making it great for repeat listens.
Along with a great melody, Serotonin has an awesome funky bassline and syncopated riffs that can tempt even the most stoic marble statue to start dancing. Mystery Friends took a different-than-usual approach in crafting the song, taking it from their keyboard player Zack’s demos and flipping it into a masterpiece with Dave’s drums and synths and Abby’s infectious vocals.
“I tried to channel the feeling of meeting someone that you’re just immediately falling for. Every moment is a thrill, every mundane thing is exciting because you’re doing it for the first time together”. Vocalist Abby explains her idea for the lyrics, which brilliantly captures the warm and fuzzy emotions that the song brings. Serotonin, like the brain chemical that it’s named after, is a wonderful cathartic rush. Explore the unique sound of Mystery Friends on your digital streaming platforms.