Miles East serves up a rallying cry with his latest single All Hands On Deck. This is the third single from his upcoming album ‘Between Lightning and Thunder’. In this song Miles East heralds that dark times are coming. Through his bluesy grooves and poignant verse, he has managed to capture the mood and anxiety of our modern times. Life is changing rapidly and we’re all on this ship that’s about to hit catastrophe on several paths. We all have to help and contribute to steer ourselves in the right direction.
What I love about this song is how Miles East manages to avoid being preachy, opting instead to be gracious and understanding to those who might hesitate to heed the call. “Let there be no mistaking, we must make our own way, and we can turn our darkest hour into our brightest day.” East acknowledges that we all have our own struggles to attend to on top of our own fears and trepidations. Nevertheless, banding together is our safest bet and the only way we move forward.
Not only did Miles East conjure a stark view of reality in “All Hands On Deck”, he also managed to wrap it effectively with the corresponding emotions through music. Artists like these are hard to come by, and when they speak, we can’t help but listen.