Cemetery Days is the latest single from Colorado-based indie pop artist Kwolek. Listening to it feels like watching an extended montage of life memories. The song follows two misfit teens as they discover themselves through restless wanderings, making art and visiting graveyards. Through the six minute duration of the song, Kwolek takes the listener into a three act structure, full of washed guitars, hazy overdubbed vocals and a rhythm section that matches the transformation of these two youths as they go through their life. There’s a lot of depth in this song, and I feel constantly rewarded for keeping my attention through several repeat listens. The first section feels vibrant and exciting, which drops to a cloudy mood then ends in a climactic rush in tempo. There’s an essence of longing, nostalgia and fondness that emanates through Kwolek’s composition and structuring of this piece. It’s like flipping through an old and faded photo album full of rich memories. Overall a very enriching experience.
Cemetery Days is also accompanied by its b-side Trampoline, which feels like a quiet epilogue for its more ambitious counterpart. Kwolek blends drum machines, hazy synths and his ephemeral vocals to create a soothing atmosphere. I immensely enjoyed the time I spent going over these two and I’m sure you will too. Check them out!