RSVP to Justin Sconza’s invitation in their latest single Been So Long. This song is the opening of his latest album Campfire, and thus is the perfect welcome to his warm and nostalgic world. Justin took out a vintage cassette four-track recorder from the 80’s and used it as a catalyst for the whole album, with Been So Long being the opening single to welcome you to the camp grounds.
How long has it been since you’ve had a reprieve from the world? We could all use an escape right now from all the worries and fears that haunts us. Justin imagines a world where we could all hangout at a campfire and forget our worries for a while. The soul of this music is infused with sounds from the fifties and sixties, up to the contemporary era. Combine that with ‘old but gold’ production techniques and you have a formula to help people reminisce.
With warm acoustic guitars, some psychedelic flourishes, and a production that seems ‘handwritten’ in how personal it feels, Justin Sconza conjures a sanctuary where people can reconnect for old times’ sake. Our world may be high-tech but real human connection has taken a hit these few years. Perhaps it’s time to return to the Campfire. Listen to ‘Been So Long’ with a friend and join us by the fire.
Justin Sconza Socials: Bandcamp • Soundcloud • Website