‘The world’s on fire now’, Harry Kappen solemnly opens in his latest single One Life. The song is a sweet ballad of appreciation amidst a world that’s getting more polarized. Wars are going on and it’s getting more difficult to figure out what’s real or not. Kappen provides his response, to look to the ones we love and remember that we only have one life. With sad yet comforting melodies, Harry manages to crystallize his emotions in such an impressive way. The fear, anxiety, as well as acceptance and gratitude of being alive is felt amidst the sea of swelling riffs, heartfelt vocals, and soaring guitar solos.
One Life comes from Kappen’s upcoming album of the same name, which is slated to release within the year. His experience working as a musictherapist informs his effectiveness in conveying emotion. Having your message felt is no small feat, and squeezing it within the constraints of a rock ballad is something even the greatest find hard to pull off. Harry Kappen has achieved that and more in One Life.
Harry Kappen offers a stellar music antidote and a respite for the times we live in. With a steadily growing listener base and a message that can easily touch hearts, this Dutch rocker would be a great addition to your playlist.