Solo artiste Geepers! (aka Edison Roberts) drops a jam that hits both the mind and the hips. “Fine Line,” the latest bop off his April 18-bound album Snoozin, bombards you with a wild mix of funky bass, old-school vibes, and words that’ll have you questioning your life choices.

Edison Roberts, the New York-born, Long Beach-based sonic architect behind Geepers!, wears every hat here: writer, producer, mixer, and chief vibe curator. The man’s a mad scientist in the studio, and let’s not skip the secret sauce: Roberts’ dad, Garrison Benjamin Roberts, who masters the track, like he’s adding that secret family recipe to the mix. It’s a father-son collab that screams “keep it in the family” without losing that rebel yell.

“Fine Line” is music for all of us stuck in life’s weird limbo. Roberts doesn’t sugarcoat the struggle between playing it safe and diving into chaos, between what’s real and what we wish was real. The words—“It’s a fine line between what’s real and what I want it to be”—is speaking straight to Gen-Z daydreamers and burnt-out millennials alike. It’s deep without being all navel-gazey, mixing up our existential freakouts with a beat that’ll make you forget your problems, at least while you’re dancing. Roberts cites Arlie’s Break the Curse as a production muse, and damn, you can tell: the track’s coated, almost solid atmosphere feels like tripping through a hall of mirrors—disorienting, dazzling, and weirdly… feels like home?

By this, Geepers! is building an empire of overthinking dance rebels. From his childhood obsession with Abbey Road to his current mission to soundtrack your quarter-life crises, Roberts’ making stuff that feel like late-night convos with your most unhinged, brilliant friend. “Fine Line” doesn’t just ride the line between indie-pop and rock—it drags that line into a pit and dares you to jump in. Play this beauty on repeat and definitely, future you – the one who chose to grow instead of staying stuck – is gonna be so damn grateful.

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