Carrie Abyss, the London-based band project of Bernadette Lara, is unleashing a sonic storm with their new single, “Mass Destruction (of My Head).” This track is a blistering blend of alternative metal and industrial, fueled by Lara’s raw emotional intensity.

The song is a cathartic exploration of identity, trauma, and the oppressive forces that shape our lives. Lara’s lyrics are unflinchingly honest, laying bare the struggles she’s faced as a young woman navigating a world that often feels hostile and unwelcoming.

The music is just as powerful as the lyrics. The guitars are heavy and distorted, the drums pound like a sledgehammer, and the bass provides a solid foundation. Lara’s vocals are raw and emotive, conveying a sense of frustration, anger, and pain.

“Mass Destruction (of My Head)” is a track that demands your attention. It’s a sonic assault that will leave you reeling, but it’s also a beautiful and powerful piece of music. It’s proof of Lara’s talent as a musician and her steadfast commitment to telling her story.

This is just the beginning for Carrie Abyss. They are a band on the rise, and their music is sure to make a big impact. So get ready to be blown away by their raw intensity and uncompromising message.

Stream “Mass Destruction (of My Head)” now.

Carrie Abyss Socials: BandcampInstagramFacebook