The concept behind Carnival Mind makes so much sense that it’s a wonder why it isn’t as widely adapted amongst musicians. They keep their recordings as natural and as live as possible. The lack of overdubs or autotune gives their songs the same kind of energy and intimacy you get when listening to someone live in a small venue. This pursuit of a genuine experience is at the core of their philosophy, and the reason why you should give them a listen.We’re taking a look at their latest single Rainbird, which shows us that despite their desire to keep things simple, it doesn’t mean that the composition takes a hit. Carnival Mind is clearly ambitious with their songwriting. Inspired by the likes of Jim Morrison, The Beatles and Jimi Hendrix–they’re not afraid to explore otherworldly concepts. Rainbird is a love song as it is a prayer to the sky. It is a serenade dedicated to someone you appreciate as well as an ode for the clouds to appear and for the rain to come down and fill the river with the water of life. With an impressive chord progression, wonderful harmonies and unconventional ideas, Carnival Mind is ready to innovate and re-imagine how we should record and enjoy music in this digital age full of possibilities.