Family Video – Continental Drift

Get ready to have your heart swept away by Family Video’s latest single, ‘Continental Drift’! This Charlotte-based synthpunk quartet is pushing the boundaries of indie pop with their infectious, high-energy love song. Imagine the catchy hooks of ‘My Sharona’ merged with the frenetic intensity of Death from Above 1979, and you’ll get a glimpse of […]

Toto Peña – FUELT4NK

Toto Peña’s “FUELT4NK” is an acoustic bang that will leave you blown! This electrifying single is a skillful blend of conflicts, combining seemingly contrasting elements into a truly unique sound. As a Venezuelan-American singer-songwriter, Toto Peña’s music is a reflection of his matchless heritage and experiences. With “FUELT4NK”, he’s finally found his stride, combining his […]

Max Norton – Nothing In This World

Max Norton’s “Nothing In This World” is a love song like no other – a lush, harmonious masterpiece that showcases the multi-instrumentalist’s impressive range and vulnerability. After a decade behind the drumkit for the likes of Benjamin Booker and Olivia Jean, Norton steps out from behind the scenes and into the spotlight, and it’s a […]