Songwriter, DJ, and producer Amazonica proudly begins a new era of her artistic journey with her latest single New Start. Amazonica has had a storied career so far, sharing the stage with many renowned artists as well as contributing to launches for luxury brands like Chanel, Cartier, and Vanity Fair.
‘New Start’ is the dawning of a new day for this prolific artist’s career. Amazonica’s unique blend of gothic rock and trap evokes a feeling of intrigue and mystery, drawing listeners in through her dark atmosphere and making them want to see what’s behind the curtain. The synths and rhythms are a blend of the old and the new, a mix of 80’s synthpop and modern pop with her own sinister twist. Lyrically, this song is a statement, a declaration of the next step in this artist’s career. Amazonica is ready to spread her wings, leaving bad habits behind to focus on her music.
“There’s a new world ahead of me, there’s a new life here”, she states. Amazonica welcomes the listener to her world and promises good things over the horizon. It’s a message of inspiration and change as well as a statement of affirmation. Amazonica is the complete package and she is here to stay. As for us, we’re excited to see where she takes us next.