Through graphic imagery and blistering punk rock, Coma Beach explores the pain of existence in Extreme Masochist. The lines: “Give me real torture / Torture is pain / Give me a real life / Life is pain” is sung not much as a plea for help but almost like a dare or challenge. Whether this comes from a foolhardy attempt to taunt the divine or a brazen rebellion against the absurd is still unclear to me, all I know is that this amount of depth in a sub 3-min punk rocker is something I always welcome as it doesn’t come by often.
Coma Beach is a punk rock/alternative rock band from Würzburg, Germany. The band was formed by singer B. Kafka, guitarist Captain A. Fear and drummer M. Lecter, with bassist U. Terror and rhythm guitarist M. Blunt. Shock, chaos, pain, rage and isolation: These are the thematic cornerstones of Coma Beach’s music. They also borrow a lot of themes from Samuel Beckett’s literary works, which often combined themes of tragedy and comedy in an almost indistinguishable blend. As such, there’s this existential and satirical approach to their songs, something they explored heavily on their previous album “The Scapegoat’s Agony”, where Extreme Masochist was first released. Coma Beach is a whirlwind of rock with the depth of erudite writing, and that in itself demands your attention.