Goddamn Wolves is an indie rock outfit from Raleigh California that deserves your attention. Their first single Older, Slower released on January 5, 2024 is an absolute blast. Its gritty riffs immediately stand out, grainy but still pleasant–like the sound of rock and roll rain pattering above the studio amidst the thundering drums. These abrasive sounds are contrasted by brilliant melodies led by the dynamic male-female vocal interchange between members Chris Weilding (also on guitars) and Laura McCullough (also on bass). Drew Foglia rounds out the trio on the drums while also contributing to backing vocal harmonies.
What’s particularly great about this song is how they were able to contrast the balance between grungy rock while singing in such a lovely (”nananana”) saccharine way. Perhaps it has something to do with their influences, like the Pixies and the Replacements but I’d posit that it’s more than just good taste. Goddamn Wolves possesses that heavy/punk rock attitude while having a soft touch for melodic songcraft, and not everyone can pull that off. Just listen to Older, Slower’s companion single “Everything Real is Free” and that much becomes more apparent. With this much range and versatility, I can’t want to hear more from this promising band. Discover the brilliance of Goddamn Wolves on your favorite streaming sites.