We at Buzzyband have found another gem with Denver-based rocker Jonathan Maske. His single “Kicking Bricks” was released on February 2, 2024, and we wasted no time in making a review for our readers to check him out.
The song starts with a tasty lick and a simple yet effective groove. Maske’s delivery swings between laid back and angsty. The song talks about the feeling of being alive and free during your youth but having not much to do about it, and thus the boredom sets in. “At the end of night you’re kicking bricks!”, he spits as the drums and licks rise up in energy. “And you do it again tomorrow!”, he yells in catharsis. Maske has been making music in the local scene for over 20 years playing in bands such as Two Strikes and Rebel Steele.
This single has been co-written and produced by his mates David Scott and Brooks Miller, who are members in his other group The Get Together. Kicking Bricks is part of his upcoming album The Down Valley. It is preceded by two other singles Don’t Shoot The Messenger and Chasing Shadows, both highly recommended in their own right. Although we favor Kicking Bricks for its highly addictive riffs and its irresistible groove. Check him out on your favorite streaming sites.