The independent music scene is rich with talent that can be easily overlooked, that’s why we’re dedicated to giving a signal boost to great music as we discover them here at Buzzy Band. One of our latest obsessions is the indie rock group 9 O’clock Nasty after we got a hold of their latest single Smash, Grab and Go. This song is a rabble-rousers anthem, the hymn of the downtrodden, those who were on the edge two years ago and have been at the breaking point for five more. Three simple verbs yelled with an air full of lungs, along with a groovy bassline and guitar outbursts are all you need for the revolution (or the party) to start.
Smash, Grab and Go is the third release for 9 O’clock Nasty’s upcoming album entitled THIS IS CROWLAND. It is preceded by the equally loud and rebellious earworms Unkle Nature and Crowland, the former of which is popping up in listenership. Their sound is akin to their fellow brits IDLES–Punk rock that’s equally as groovy as it is to encourage the wild swinging of fists. I’m especially enamored by the second verse, in which the lead singer says “Pixelate me, hide my face”, alluding to the eroding privacy that us regular citizens are losing to the powers that be. Perhaps there’s no other solution but to take up that (metaphorical) sledgehammer and those (real) dancing boots. It’s time to Smash, Grab and Go!